The Rookie ProgramCoffee is a breakfast staple, alongside a muffin or bagel. You don't really "have time" to pack lunches so you either skip lunch, eat the granola bar thats in your desk drawer, or you go to a drive-through on your break. When you go out for dinner at restaurants, you find it challenging to not order an appetizer &/or a dessert. Does this sound anything like you? You are a considered a "Rookie" only because you don't know where the heck to start, and you still don't quite know the true benefits of EATING-CLEAN. Don't worry, I used to have the exact same bad habits, and all bad habits can & will be broken. At the end of 4 weeks, you will move up to the "Amateur" program - with my help of course! :)
The Amateur ProgramYou are considered an "Amateur" in the world of eating clean. You watch what you eat, but still indulge occasionally. You just want to take your nutrition to a slightly higher level, or perhaps lose a few pounds of unwanted fluff. You want to work out at the gym or at home, you just want a game-plan to follow. By following this lifestyle improvement program, you will learn how to enjoy eating clean, save a ton of money on food, and watch your love-layer, muffin top, belly fat or unwanted fluff - slowly disappear, for good!
The JYM Bunny ProgramIf you want to take your nutrition & fitness to a more extreme level. (e.g. contest prep, look like a bikini or fitness model, get photo-shoot ready, etc) and you are willing to go to extreme measures to get extreme results, just like I did! Requires hard work, sweat, dedication, and a lot of food. Are you ready?
(Click to see Before & After Transformation Pics) |
Contest Prep Consulting Services, choosing a show, bikini selection, posing classes, planning a photo shoot, web design, business cards etc. |