Hello everyone and thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy day to visit my new website and read my very first blog!
I just began reading a book yesterday on Life's Transitions, and its about how changes in one's lifestyle or habits, are simply a natural part of human nature and we have to learn how to embrace change, deal with the past and move forward with the future. It has really clarified a lot for me because there have been many changes in my life (in the past month especially) I'm not talking about my physical transformation, I'm talking about my-life-taking-a-360-transformation! The biggest change in my life recently? I am no longer working as the Human Resource Manager & Head of Administration at SpringMasters Niagara (Hamilton franchise of SpringMasters Canada.) After 4 years of being a part of the fastest growing businesses I have ever witnessed, I decided it was time to leave the company to start my own business - bettering people lives and living out my dreams. For any of you who know me personally, the job was not your typical office job... it was more of a lifestyle - and it was certainly not 40 hours per week, weekends off, etc. I never even knew holidays existed! I used to eat-sleep-breathe SpringMasters. I remember at one point, my family and friends called it an obsession because I never shutup about it. My nickname quoted by Mr. Ben Stewart at the Management Bootcamp, was 65hoursaday@hotmail. I'll never forget that moment. That's when it hit me though. Was it an obsession or a passion? Perhaps passion and obsession are intertwined when it comes to something you love... Reflecting on all the amazing memories and wonderful people I met, my heart was torn right down the middle when I decided to leave. I learned so much about the adventures and challenges of running a successful business, networking with purpose, positive persuasion, management, sales and customer service, organization, dealing with obstacles & flying by the seat of my pants. Not to mention working 14+ hour days... but that was really the easy part! I know that the skills and the knowledge I gained at SMC will carry with me wherever I go in life. I want to say thank you to Joshua Lombardo-Bottema and Ben Stewart, for always pushing me to be the best I could be, inspiring me to work my butt off (literally), and proving that you can accomplish any goal in life if you work hard enough for it. I will continue to do my Scholarship Award $500, that was advertised on FaceBook and at SMC. It's still available to all the SMC workers and managers! (Available only to those who qualify and actually do what is advertised on my criteria.) So, rather than saying the words I QUIT, which sounds a little negative, and is not in my vocabulary at this time... instead, I am going to describe the "life transition" as taking a long vacation so that I can follow my dreams and live the life I have always imagined. I am confident that I made the right choice with my career change and there is no looking back now. NO REGRETS. I am excited to be starting my own business, something new, something challenging, taking a risk, and devoting all of my efforts into it. That seems to be an ongoing trend with me though, wherever I go and whatever I decide to do - it's all or nothing. 120% effort is how I roll. I have a big weekend planned (July17th) with my JYM Fit-Lifestyle & Success Workshop. I am so excited to be hosting the event, to educate women about my story, positive lifestyle changes, mindset, goal-setting, proper nutrition and supplementation. My mission is to help women everywhere, gain the self confidence and the tools to make healthy choices and want to live longer to be there for the people that matter most. I truly believe that all people should live to watch their children grow up, get married, become adults, parents, heck, even grandparents. Well, let me tell you.... Not everyone has that luxury. Life is precious and time is short. After all, what on earth would the world do without strong women? There would be no one to give birth to the god forsaken-man! lol.. So, ladies. Let's learn to love ourselves & our lifestyle. Let's decide to live longer & keep men alive while we're at it! I am looking to find as many Mother-Daughter duos as I possibly can, so please spread the word if you are reading my blog. After my first successful weekend in Hamilton, I will consider hosting seminars, presentations & workshops in other cities in throughout Ontario. I'm thinking big here... because thats what I do. Go big or go home, that's my motto! Thanks for reading my first blog. Sorry for the novel everyone! Love the life you live <3
AuthorI am passionate about living a healthy lifestyle, and inspired by those around me who are following their dreams and living life to the fullest. My goal is to become my personal best, both physically and mentally and I hope to inspire others to achieve their own success along the way. ArchivesCategories